The Second Constitutional Convention

Antifa and BLM take over: A Thought Experiment

Tucker FitzGerald
5 min readSep 26, 2020

Ok. White guys. Straight guys. Christian guys. We need to talk. Here’s a thought experiment.

Antifa and BLM join forces and overthrow Trump and hack into all the nukes and and burn the constitution and declare that we’re starting a new country.


55 delegates are sent to the Second Constitutional Convention. Only the best and brightest Americans are selected. The best of our best.

It turns out that none of the 55 delegates are guys. 31 Black women, 17 Latina women, 4 Asian women, 2 American Indian women. And one person who says they’re biracial and nonbinary, neither a man nor woman, whatever that means. And they’re all queer as hell. Asexual or bisexual or lesbian or polysexual. A bunch are vegans. 35 of them are Muslim. 7 Jews. 2 Wiccans. The rest are atheists.

You thought this was tough.

ONE: Do you believe it?

OK, first of all, do you believe it?

Do you believe that all of these delegates were sent to this Continental Congress because they happened to be the best and smartest American? Do you believe that it’s a coincidence that not a single one is a guy? Do you believe that it’s a coincidence that not a single one of them is white?

Do you believe that this group was assembled without consideration of gender or race or religion?

TWO: Do you trust them?

Second, do you trust them?

They have a big sign over the room where they’re working, “All women are created equal.” And they’ve explained to reporters over and over that of course men are included in that statement.

They have a Muslim Prayer Breakfast, Good Vibes Witchcraft Weekend, and Atheist day of enlightenment. But they clarify to reporters that they believe in religious freedom. Of course they’re going to look out for Christian’s rights.

They’re not sure if they’re going to make straight marriage legal under the new constitution. But if they don’t, they want to make sure you know that straight domestic partnerships will be taken just as seriously as gay marriage.

Straight domestic partnerships will be taken just as seriously as gay marriage.

Do you trust them to do right by you?

They’re going to set up tribunals to try war criminals and deal with Trump loyalists. But they promise, they’re going to be fair and impartial. If you’re a Trump supporter with nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. They tell it to reporters over and over.

Does this Constitutional Convention have your family’s best interests at heart? Can you trust them?

Will they set up a Constitution that is fair and equal for all Americans?

Bad news

The 3/5 compromise

Well, bad news. The Constitution is finalized. The states have ratified it. All women of color have the right to vote. Men of color will be represented by their sisters’ and mothers’ votes. White folks are a bit more complicated. We’ll be counted as 3/5 a person for purposes of determining each state’s representation in congress. So, we’ll still be somewhat represented by our woman of color neighbor’s votes.

Voluntary Reparations Workforces

More bad news. White folks living in states that fought with the Confederacy are going to be required to join “Voluntary Reparations Workforces.” They will be used to bolster the flagging economy by donating their labor to corporations and wealthy people of color. Children will be participating as well. Purge rules apply for these Voluntary Reparations Workforce laborers. If they don’t comply, whippings and executions. If they complain about sexual harassment and rape: whippings and executions. If children are needed to work in a different state than their parents, so be it.

White reservations

But that’s not all. White folks living elsewhere are getting rounded up onto reservations. The new government has carefully chosen the best parts of each state for white people to move to. Unfortunately you’ll need to leave your home today. With whatever you and your kids can carry, because it’s no longer legal for white people to drive or ride on public transit. But don’t worry, these reservations are great places, set up by the government with white people’s needs in mind.

But don’t worry, these reservations are great places, set up by the government with white people’s needs in mind.

And white people still illegally occupying their former property may be shot on sight by the roving militias of BLM and Antifa peacekeepers.

Just keeping the peace. Law and order.

But good news too! One of the members of the new congress is a white woman. So we know, for sure, that white people are allowed to be part of the ruling government. So no more whining about us being left out.

Why is this so hard?

Why is it so hard to admit that America is a nation founded by straight, white, Christian men for straight, white, Christian men?

Why is it so hard to name that our nation was founded on slavery and genocide, on stolen land and with stolen labor?

Why is it so hard to admit that America is a nation founded by straight, white, Christian men for straight, white, Christian men?

Why is it so hard to empathize with women, gays, Muslims, and people of color about how precarious it feels to not be represented in positions of power, to not be at the table when important decisions are getting made?

Why is it so hard to name the unspoken rules that keep most of the wealth and power in the hands of white men to this very day?

Our nation was founded by white men on the backs of black slaves working on stolen land. Pretending that’s not true dooms us to forever be stuck in the generational trauma of how deeply we have failed our proclaimed values of Liberty and Justice for All.

Things have gotten better. But there is still a long way to go.

409 out of 535 members of congress are men. 412 out of 535 are white. 10 out of 535 are openly lesbian, gay, or bisexual.

Every president we’ve ever had was a Christian man. All but one was white.

Nothing about this passes the Golden Rule. If we wouldn’t want this for ourselves, we can‘t ignore how painful this is for our neighbors.



Tucker FitzGerald
Tucker FitzGerald

Written by Tucker FitzGerald

Parent, partner, designer in Seattle. Deeply curious about justice and equality.

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