No, you can’t eat Taylor SwiftToward a deeper understanding of our Capitalist nightmareMar 4, 20241Mar 4, 20241
Beyond HopeA commitment to staying present with what’s real even if it can’t be fixedFeb 13, 2024Feb 13, 2024
Playing the Victim CardAs a former Evangelical Christian and Republican, I understand why they’re coming after me and my transgender children. But as a family…Mar 31, 20233Mar 31, 20233
Trump: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?Trump’s insight into America’s vote count is rather remarkableNov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020
The Second Constitutional ConventionAntifa and BLM take over: A Thought ExperimentSep 26, 2020Sep 26, 2020
The Dream CandidateVoting third-party (or not voting at all) is anything but revolutionary, you clueless childSep 6, 2020Sep 6, 2020
Dear Ms. RowlingAn open letter to Harry Potter’s author from the parent of a transgender fanSep 1, 20201Sep 1, 20201